Meditation with Stones for the Survival of the Planet

Collaborative workshop • 1982-1989


Participants in A Meditation with Stones for the Survival of the Planet brought their favorite rocks to a full moon performance held monthly in a gallery in SoHo. We set a large blue circular cloth in the center of the room, around which everyone stood. After an introduction to gather their energies, the participants were split into groups, with about eight people per group. One group lay head to head, and those standing placed stones on their bodies. When all of the stones were in place, we gathered and intoned a vocal sound over those with the stones on their bodies. Interestingly enough, participants never told each other where to place the stones, yet inevitably they placed stones where there was tension or pain.


Soho 20 Gallery • NYC | 1983-84
Albuquerque, NM | 1983
Association of Mental Health Professionals • Toronto, Canada | 1983
Carleton University • Ottawa, Canada | 1982
Franklin Furnace • NYC | 1982
Williams College • Williamstown, MA | 1982


Maypole Ritual


A Memory of Clean Water